Das letzte Mahl

Género: Feature film / Trailer
Ano: 2016-2018
Duração: 01:38 min
Descrição: The Last Supper Germany, 1933. On the day Adolf Hitler seizes power, the Jewish family Glickstein gathers for dinner in Berlin. Of course, political developments are a central topic of discussion - but they are by no means judged as unanimously as they are supposed to be. Rather, there are surprising differences in points of view between the family members. 19-year-old Leah announces to her parents that she has decided to move to Palestine because of the imminent threat. Her younger brother Michael, on the other hand, not only sees the situation differently, he even admires the Nazi movement. The ensuing dispute threatens to tear the family apart.
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright / Apollo-Film GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Florian Frerichs
Tipo de documento:
Language: de